Her obsession with finding a pattern reveals her imagination and creativity, which is stifled by her husband and by her being forced to spend so much time in the room.
She is depressed, not able to see her new baby, not permitted to have visitors, and shut in at all times. Since she is denied any opportunity for stimulation or creative outlet, she creates one. Her obsession with the wallpaper, and later the insanity it causes, show what kind of a mind she has. Her mind is one that needs to express itself creatively.
Because she had many kids herself and has been blamed for killing children. She was also pious. She is a kind, Christian woman.
The term that describes a carved or inscribed upright stone, usually used as a marker or to commemorate an event is a stele.
<u>article describing your grandfather</u></h2>
<h3><u>My Grandfather is an old man. He is a retired officer. He has white hair and is very particular about his eating and living habits. He goes to temple daily. He is the first to get up and last to go to bed. He is very loving and affectionate. He has a big heart. He loves us very much. He take care of my needs. All of us respect him very much. He is always ready to make sacrifices for the whole family. He gives us advises whenever. We are in some trouble. He helps me in my studies. </u><u>,</u><u> </u><u>he</u><u> </u><u>is</u><u> </u><u>80</u><u> </u><u>years</u><u> </u><u>old</u><u> </u><u> </u><u>he</u><u> </u><u>never</u><u> </u><u>misses</u><u> </u><u>his</u><u> </u><u>prayers</u><u> </u></h3><h3>My grandfather live in a village and they have a nice place close to nature. Just like the beauty of the nature, the innocence, the blessings and pure unconditional love they shower upon me makes me feel like a kid even if I have my own kids</h3>
<em><u>May he live </u></em><em><u>long</u></em>