Rick: How <u>are</u> you and Marcia celebrate New Year's Eve, Tim?
<u>Will</u> you <u>both</u> go to any parties?
Tim No. We <u>will</u> go out for dinner. Our favorite restaurant
<u>will </u>serve a special meal, and our friends <u>would</u>
Join us there. But we <u>wont</u> stay out late.
Rick: So you <u>will</u> be home before midnight, huh?
Tim: That's right. It <u>would</u> be a quiet celebration.
Banquo is wondering if Macbeth took the crown unjustly.
Both are equally as important. It’s great to learn from your own mistakes because you suffer the consequence or thrive in the reward. But same for learning from others. If you are surrounded by people who are a bad influence, they may suffer the consequences of their actions and you will know not to make the same mistake they did. If you surround yourself with a good group of people, they may be rewarded for something they did or an achievement they reached, so it may encourage you to do better or be a better person like your friends.