What is the index of the last element in the array? stArr1.length()-1
This prints the names in order. How would I print every other value? Change line 4 to: index = index +2
Change line 7 to: i < names.length
real time analytics technology
Online stores usually use real-time analytics technology to present customized content. Explanation: Real-time analytics is gaining popularity nowadays. It is basically the procedure of measuring and preparing the data as it enters the database
Hardware software is the answer
A device connected to the internet is known as a Node.
# Solve the quadratic equation ax**2 + bx + c = 0
# import complex math module
import cmath
a = 1
b = 5
c = 6
# calculate the discriminant
d = (b**2) - (4*a*c)
# find two solutions
sol1 = (-b-cmath.sqrt(d))/(2*a)
sol2 = (-b+cmath.sqrt(d))/(2*a)
print('The solution are {0} and {1}'.format(sol1,sol2))
Hope This Helps!!!