Expository informs or explains, uses a topic sentence and supporting details.
Narrative tells a story, uses spatial order. Descriptive paints a picture with words, uses chronological order.
Hardin's metaphor describes a lifeboat bearing 50 people, with room for ten more. The lifeboat is in an ocean surrounded by a hundred swimmers. The "ethics" of the situation stem from the dilemma of whether (and under what circumstances) swimmers should be taken aboard the lifeboat.
Hardin compared the lifeboat metaphor to the Spaceship Earth model of resource distribution, which he criticizes by asserting that a spaceship would be directed by a single leader – a captain – which the Earth lacks. Hardin asserts that the spaceship model leads to the tragedy of the commons. In contrast, the lifeboat metaphor presents individual lifeboats as rich nations and the swimmers as poor nations.
It is a simple sentence.
A simple sentence contains one independent clause - which is the case with sentence 7. There is one subject (they) and one verb (rule), which means that it is a simple sentence (because of one verb only). A dependent clause wouldn't be able to stand on its own, and sentence 7 obviously can, which is why it is not dependent.
This hyperbole, is also an example of Simile.
Simile is a figure of speech which is used for comparison of 2 unlike things using like or as for example : white as snow , red as an apple. Similes are like metaphors. But metaphors are not the same as similes. Authors use simile to present their writings as exciting as a spontaneous show of fireworks. Here in the statement "They leaped like deer on the moon" which is an exaggeration but the use of direct comparison showing excitement.