The Austro-Hungary's takeover of Bosnia in 1908 was an example of how tension increased when there was an inclination of one empire to expand, on the one hand, and raising awareness among smaller nations of freedom and the creation of nation states on the other. Namely, at that time the Austro-Hungarian monarchy was the largest empire, composed of many nations, not only the Austrians and Hungarians. Bosnia's annexation is only the involvement of another entity with several ethnic groups within it. During the nineteenth century, several national revolutions for national liberation were conducted, so at the beginning of the twentieth century there was already a large corpus of young people united in various revolutionary and nationalist movements, within smaller nations, whose aspirations were the struggle for freedom and national emancipation. Bosnia's annexation came precisely at the moment of the rise of the revolutionary ideas of smaller nations.
Austria hungary takeover of bosnia in 1908 was an example of how tensions increased when : Large nations dominated small nations Back then, the Austria-Hungary was considered the largest nation in the world, and bosnia was only a small country that just been released from the rule of the ottoman