Relative dating gives the order in which a rock layer formed compared to those around it by using layering and fossils, while absolute dating can give the age in years by using half-lives of radioisotopes.
The relative dating and the absolute dating use different methods, have different purposes, but they still manage to complement each other.
The relative dating is not a dating method that provides information about the exact time of a rock or a fossil. Instead, this method is comparative. It is using comparison of the layers of rock and the fossils in them, having a rough age span for them, and it provides information about the period in which a rock layer has formed, or a life form has been living.
The absolute dating has the purpose of providing information about the exact age of a rock layer or fossil. In order to do so, this method uses the half-lives of radioisotopes, so it manages to provide either the exact age, or to have a very small margin of error in the exact age.