Even though it is slums we are talking about, and we know how terrible the conditions are, still there's always some surprises (negative ones unfortunately). Specifically in Mumbai, it is surprising that big portion of the people living in the slums do not have access to city services, they do not have enough water even thought the city itself is surrounded by water, more then half of the population of Mumbai lives in slums (around 55%), most of the residents do not have toilets and have to pay for public toilets...
Synoptic means "view together" or "view at a common point". A synoptic weather map shows weather patterns over a large area by putting together many weather reports from different locations all taken at the same moment in time.
Some of the aspects of Latin American culture that were influenced by Spain and Portugal are:
-Languages - the indigenous languages are barely spoken anymore
-religion: most people in Latin America is Christian and indigenous religions are barely followed.
-economies: they follow mixed systems rather than the traditional economies of pre-Columbian times.