21. it went really bad at first and then he let out his yell and then it started going really good as he kept singing
22. is because his dead family members where looking for him
23.he snuck in to the trumpet with the band that performd and they took him on the train pass the guards and once the train doors closed he got out and took the train up to the party
24. he was very happy and excited to finally meett his idol.
26. he said yes
William Pelham Barr (born May 23, 1950) is an American attorney who served as the 77th and 85th United States Attorney General, in the administrations of Presidents George H. W. Bush and Donald Trump.
Similarities between Sam Houston and Mirabeau Lamar are:
Both Sam Houston and Mirabeau Lamar were strong leaders, with visions for the new Republic to shape the future of Texas. They both spent time with bands of Indians in their middle ages and underwent through little schooling
all scientists are important and so is diversity
Terms in this set (22) An eighteenth century intellectual movement whose three central concepts were the use of reason, the scientific method, and progress. Enlightenment thinkers believed they could help create better societies and better people.