Answer: The labor practices of the fast food industry have their origins in the assembly line systems adopted by American manufacturers in the early twentieth century.
An appeal to logos is one in which the author tries to convince his audience of a particular view or position by providing facts and evidence. It is a successful and common rhetorical device. In this passage, the author makes an appeal to logos by telling us that the practices of this industry have their origins in the assembly line systems of the early twentieth century. This is a fact that is falsifiable (that can be proven right or wrong).
I think option 2 is write...........
Yesterday's cricket game was rained off.
Yesterdays is the plural of yesterday, while yesterday's is the possessive adjective. (correct)
Dear my beloved Tinker family,
It has been a couple of weeks now where I have waited for you to come home. Why have you not come home? I miss all of you dearly. I miss going out for walks and playing with you. I am so lonely in this house and there is not any furniture left for me to sleep on. I am cold sleeping on the tiles of this house. The last time I saw you, you all looked so sad. Why? Did I do something wrong to make you all leave me? I wish you guys would have taken me with you in the car. I loved going for car rides with you. You guys left me behind and are never coming back, but I will keep waiting. I'm starving as for I have not eaten in days. I don't know how else to get food or water at that. I was never taught how as you guys always provided me with food and water. Instead of leaving me behind, you could have took me with you, or gave me to that old woman who's house we always visited. She always talked about how much she wanted a dog like me. I don't know what to do, I'm so hungry and lonely. I've been trying to get someone's attention by barking out the window because they might be able to take me to you, but no one hears me. It's getting exhausting. I don't know how much I can take of this any longer.
Please come back for me,