The capital city is Canberra. It is midway between Melbourne and Sydney.
Extreme weather conditions
Polar ice melting
Acidification of oceans
Global warming is a phenomenon that refers to increase in temperature of the earth surface as a result of the concentration in the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane, water vapour in their normal amount helps to trap some part of solar radiation which is useful for all life on earth. If the proportion of these gases increase beyond normal, more radiation will be trapped and a surge in surface temperature results. This increase in temperature leads to:
- Extreme weather conditions: Hurricanes, tornadoes becomes more prevalent as there is more heat in the atmosphere.
- Polar ice begins to melt as a result of increase in the temperature of the earth surface.
- Due to surge in the amount of carbon dioxide on the earth, the ocean dissolves the gases and this leads to the formation of weak carbonic acid.
Your answer is the Eastern Hemisphere
I think it may be C but I don't know I would search it up first.
Scientists have found fossils on many different continents of species that would have lived in a climate very different from the one in that location today. For example, fossils of aquatic organisms have been found in deserts.
The fossil record also supports the continental drift theory because there have been fossils of the same species found in different continents. For example, there have been fossils found along the eastern coast of South America that are also found along the western coast of Africa. It seems plausible because of this that Africa and South America were connected at one point.
Hope this helps!!