Shah's request to seek asy- lum in the to antagonize the new Iranian government and to do whatever was possi- ble to build a
French Revolution is about overthrowing the French regime because of tyranny. The American Revolution was about gaining independence from Great Britain.
The reason why labour leaders praised the Clayton Antitrust Act was because the Act prevented unions from being treated as trusts.
geography literallh means to study about the earth
1st is wrong since geography talks about earth not about mountains and oceans
2nd is correct i guess
3rd is wrong. since the study of map is cartography
4th is also wrong The word Geography is derived from the Greek word geo (the Earth, in its broadest meaning) and graphos (graphy, to write about). Literally, to write about the Earth. Often this has meant just learning about countries, their crops, landforms and people -- the "states and capitals" approach if you will.