When referring to 'us' it would be better if you stated the minority or majority.
Anyway, The entire American Government was made to support the white man. There is no such thing as equality or political justice, nor is what remains of it supporting others.
2) It reinforces the idea that the rights given to others are not extended to African Americans
p.s. Maybe write on the margin of the paper (beside the second question): Rights were only given to the white man, thats why in many situations the white women would find themselves in an aliance with the African Americans— it was fueled by a want/need for freedom.
I do not think aliens exist. The reason wgy is that every other planet doesn't have good living conditions, like no air, water, or crops. Also, there are very extreme tempatures depending on what planet you are on. Earth is the only place where it is actually cool and warm.
The Glosary of Reading Terms
The study of reading is a science with roots in many domains; linguists study reading, psychologists study reading, educators study reading, even computer scientists are studying reading. The process of reading has been dissected and examined from a variety of perspectives, and experts in the field have had to adapt and modify terminology or generate new terminology to describe what their examinations have revealed.
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villi is the pleural of villus and villus refers to the finger or thread like projections of specific membranous structures often serving in the capacity of increasing surface area and to facilitate the passage of fluids or nutrients