backup() {
read dirname;
if [[ whereis . /`$dirname` 2> sterr.exe]]
mkdir $dirname
for f in . / *.cpp
cp f "path_to_dirname"
echo "file backup complete"
backup( )
The bash script above is used to backup C++ source files in a directory to a backup directory which is created if it does not exist, and copy's each .cpp file to backup, then sends a message to declare its completion.
Pattern recognition is the process of recognizing patterns by using machine learning algorithm. ... In a typical pattern recognition application, the raw data is processed and converted into a form that is amenable for a machine to use. Pattern recognition involves classification and cluster of patterns
so a program can reference it; however, it does not necessarily need an event handler
// program in Python to check perfect number
#function to find number is perfect or not
def is_Perfect_Number(n):
#total variable
tot = 1
i = 2
#sum of all divisor of number
while i*i<=n:
if n%i==0:
tot = tot + i + n/i
if tot == n and n != 1:
return 1
i = i+1
return 0
#read until user enter a perfect number
while True:
#read integer
num = int(input("Input an integer: "))
#call the function
print(num,"is perfect number")
#if perfect number break
print(num,"is not a perfect number")
#ask again
print("try again.")
Read number from user and then call the function is_Perfect_Number() with parameter "num".This will find the sum of all divisor of number.If sum is equal to number then it will return 1 else return 0.If the number is not perfect then it will again ask to enter a number until user enter a perfect number.
Input an integer: 24
24 is not a perfect number
try again.
Input an integer: 28
28 is perfect number
business analyst: degree in business administration arrowRight
multimedia artist : training in 2D and 3D modeling arrowRight
network and computer systems administrator: master's course in management information systems arrowRight
software quality assurance engineer: knowledge of the software lifecycle process arrowRight
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