<u>Tragic Hero</u>
<em>A main character cursed by fate and possessed of a tragic flaw.</em>
<u>A Struggle Between Good and Evil</u>
<em>This struggle can take place as part of the plot or exist within the main character.</em>
<em>The fatal character flaw of the tragic hero.</em>
<u>Tragic Waste</u>
<em>The good being destroyed along with the bad at the resolution of the play. Often played out with the unnecessary loss of life, especially of "good guy" characters.</em>
<u>External Conflict</u>
<em>This can be a problem facing the hero as a result of the plot or a "bad guy" character.</em>
<u>Internal Conflict</u>
<em>The struggle the hero engages in with his/her fatal flaw.</em>
<em>The release of the audience's emotions through empathy with the characters.</em>
<u>Supernatural Elements</u>
<em>Magic, witchcraft, ghosts, etc.</em>
<u>Lack of Poetic Justice</u>
<em>Things end poorly for everyone, including the "good guys."</em>
<u>Comic Relief</u>
<em>One or more humorous characters who participate in scenes intended to lighten the mood.</em>