It is very important to raise the issue of gun control because there have been an enormous amount of violent acts and massacres caused by guns. Thirty-thousand people should not be killed every year due to the open use of guns. ... Gun deaths could be easily preventable with a few stricter regulations.
A bar graph that compares music students who scored higher on SAT scores in reading and math than non-music students
The correct answer is: A bar graph that
shows the high unemployment rate of
people who have not graduated
will you be my valentine?
I have loved you since I was nine
You are like my sunshine.
I love you with my whole heart.
We cannot be apart.
I know you dont like me
Can we restart?
I think it would be smart.
I will take you to walmart.
I hope you see
Everytime i see you my heart gets bouncy
Lets go get some coffee.
maybe we can talk things over.
I hope you feel the same.