In this excerpt by “the fleet” is referred to the Greek army
lead. The Greek army is lead by Agamemnon, who. by destroying the temple of Apollo and ravishing Trojan priest’s
daughter, Chryseis, draws on the wrath of Apollo. Apollo sets off the plague
and infects Greek fleet to punish him. By releasing captives, Agamemnon saves his army from the
plague and marches on ahead.
Hasta luego mi amigo.
Hasta luego mi amigo nos vemos otra vez.
Hasta luego mi amigo ojalá que los vemos otra vez.
It should be abstract
Abstract language is the ability to gain meaning from things that are not said, or from things that are said in a different way. There are many ways to refer to "abstract language:" inferential/figurative/implicit/non-literal language all include the same higher order thinking.
When used in messaging, it can be difficult to interpret and can be a barrier to communication.