1. Protection against default, evictions, foreclosures, and repossessions
2. Terminate residential and automobile leases due to PCS
Written and oral disclosure of terms
3. Reduce interest to 6% on certain loans and lines of credit obtained prior to entering active duty
The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) provides financial and legal protections for active-duty service members, as well as National Guard and reserve members, and their families. This protections are:
- creditors reduction of interest rate on debts to 6% for liabilities obtained prior to entering active duty
- Protection against default, evictions, foreclosures, and repossessions, preservice mortgage debt is valid if made during or within nine months after your service on active duty, unless carrying out a valid court order
- Deferment of income tax before or during military service.
- Protection against eviction
- Protection against default judgments
- Postponement of court proceedings if on duty
- Termination of automobile, residential lease and phone service by delivering a written notice of termination.
- Voting rights
- Life insurance coverage
activities through which a product or service is created and delivered to customers.
In simple words, A value chain can be understood as the business model that outlines the whole process of creating a product or service. The processes involved in taking a commodity from conception to dissemination, as well as everything in among as sourcing raw materials, production operations and marketing activities—make up a value chain for firms that create things.
c. Virtual Team
Since they don't meet in person, they are settled in different locations and collaborate through technolgy, they only meet virtually, they are called a virtual team
Explanation is given below
Given that, the total budget for the media is only $1,000 per month.
For the allocation, each type of media would get at least 25% of the budget.
Hence, from the available information, we have the following:
$1000 = Monthly advertising budget
25%= Minimum spending for each type of media
50 = Value of the index for local newspaper advertising
80= Value of the index for spot radio advertising
Decision variables;
x1= Newspaper advertising budget
x2= Radio advertising budget
LP Model;
Maximize Z=50x1+ 80x2
Subject to:x1+ x2≤1000
x1≥ 250
x2≥ 250
x1,x2≥ 0
p.s. OptimumZ=72, 500,