The correct matches are as follows:
<span>1.language spoken by educated Americans
2.street language that coins new words and new meanings
3.regional variation of the national language
4.language of a skill, trade, or profession
</span>standard English<span>
5.phrases and expressions unique to a language
6.sounds and sound patterns that are meaningful to people from the same culture
7.graphic representation of sounds
8.language spoken by a child learning to talk
</span>ungrammatical speech<span>
This paragraph seems to be a descriptive essay about the mimic octopus. It describes the way that the mimic octopuses ability to change helps it.
Shiny metals such as copper, silver, and gold are often used for decorative arts, jewelry, and coins.
Strong metals such as iron and metal alloys such as stainless steel are used to build structures, ships, and vehicles including cars, trains, and trucks.
Robert Frost's central idea is his poem “Road Not Taken” is that by choosing a path that most people don't, a man can make a big difference in his life. In this poem, a man came to a place where he had to make a choice between two roads.