In picture, the objects decrease in size as they recede towards the : a. vanishing points
vanishing point refer to the occurrence where an image/view could no longer be caught by our vision.
and objects keep decreasing in since, our retina could no longer
pinpoint it to our brain to the point where we could no longer see it
However, two of them, Aglaurus and Herse, curious to see what was inside, opened it and saw the infant Erichthonius wrapped around a snake. Driven in madness due to the sight, the two sisters along with the third, Pandrosus, fled and fell off the Acropolis to their deaths.
1 move but only made 2 squares
greek is the answer
please mark me as brainlist..
Milli Vanilli was the person who won a grammy award was revoked after a lip synching controversy!