This startle reflex (aka moro reflex) is/was present in us as newborns.
It's triggered when there's an unexpected reaction. Example: Loud noise, sudden movement.
The baby will tighten his/her body, fling out arms, sort of like giving him/herself a hug. It happens because the baby is trying to protect itself from harm.
It normally leaves thanks to the mother's care, normally 6 weeks after the newborn is born.
Prokaryote and eukaryote both have cell membranes
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The Hypothalamus is located below the cerebral cortex. It's involved with basic functions like eating, sex, temperature control, sleep, aggression. It's main function is to produce sex, growth and stress related hormones carried down axons to the pituitary gland. When carried out, it's then released into the bloodstream to activate and organize distant body systems.