Spanishhhh you have to do a good day at the job I have a question about you and I hope you’re ok and you have a good job I miss your time I miss my class and you are so much better I hope you’re doing well byee
Answer:Hand hygiene.
Use of personal protective equipment (e.g., gloves, masks, eyewear).
Respiratory hygiene / cough etiquette.
Sharps safety (engineering and work practice controls).
Safe injection practices (i.e., aseptic technique for parenteral medications).
Sterile instruments and devices.
Clean and disinfected environmental surfaces.
Bone is a type of mineralized connective tissue that contains collagen and calcium phosphate, a mineral crystal. Calcium phosphate gives bone its firmness. There are two types of bone tissue: spongy and compact.
Answer: True.
One is a ligand binding site and the other is a DNA binding site.