the political, military, and social system in the Middle Ages, based on the holding of lands in fief or fee and on the resulting relations between lord and vassal.
Over the next five centuries the economy would at first grow and then suffer an acute crisis, resulting in significant political and economic change. Despite economic dislocation in urban and extraction economies, including shifts in the holders of wealth and the location of these economies, the economic output of towns and mines developed and intensified over the period.[2] By the end of the period, England had a weak government, by later standards, overseeing an economy dominated by rented farms controlled by gentry, and a thriving community of indigenous English merchants and corporations.[3]
- thomas edison electric lightbulb - allows factory workers to work after dark
- james watts steam engine - provided affordable power for factories,
trains, and ships
- eli whitney cotton gin - provided an efficient way to process cotton
to use in the growing textile industry
- henry bessermers bessermer process - provided an economical way to convert iron into steel to produce machinery for trains and factories
- louis pasteurs pasteurization process - provided a way to keep food products safer longer and reduce health risks
<span>Great Compromise- Should representation in Congress be equal or determined by population? The compromise was two houses of Congress. One in which representation is equal (Senate), and one in which representation is determined by population (House of Representatives) .
Three-fifths Compromise- Should slaves count toward population when determining how many representatives a state could send to Congress? The compromise was that 3/5 of the slave population would be counted.</span><span>