The correct answer is 1: Illustration-example.
Illustrations and examples are introduced by the transition phrases such as "for instance" and "for example". Some other linking words for giving examples are "to illustrate", "namely", and "such as". These linking words do not necessarily have to be at the beginning of the sentence.
I was at the park with my sister without my mom for the first time and I went into this weird tube thing under a slide while my sister went to the swings after promising that she was gonna break her height record on the swing, about 12 minutes later I'm still in the tube when she yells out "this is the highest I've ever gone!" And so I look out and in that moment she flew off the swing and landed on her arm which broke it. Funniest day of my life.
The excerpt that best expresses the theme that all living things are a part of, and are guided by, a natural purpose is:
<u>She's only filled with an old blind wish. It isn't even hers but came to her</u>
"The Turtle" is a poem by author Mary Oliver. The speaker in the poem talks of the beauty and effortlessness of turtle laying eggs in the sand. It's a sacred action, which the turtle itself cannot understand since the drive to do it does not come consciously. It is a purely instinctive drive, guided by nature. The speaker admires the turtle's determination and patience in completing the task while remaining unaware of itself as an individual. The turtle sees itself as the world, and the world as itself.
It was propaganda but at the same time it wasn't. Women wanted to be seen as more than just stay at home moms or women that only could work in the kitchen.