When World War I broke out in the summer of 1914, Italy declared itself neutral in the conflict, despite its membership in the so-called Triple Alliance alongside Germany and Austria-Hungary since 1882.
This statement is true......
Some factors of the Great Depression were the burst of the 1920s credit bubble in the United States as well as the overinflated investing market during the same decade. It helped cause WW2 by radicalising Germans (really by the Nazis) against the rest of the world who they already blamed for their troubles during the 20s.
After the murder of Joseph Smith there was an argument over the succession and the majority of people followed Brighan Young, who was the leader to lead the Mormons to Utah.
A result of the treaty of Versaille was for Germany to pay a bunch of money to the allied nations. This combined with the great depression put Germany's economy into the pooper. Obviously people demanded a change due to all of this and so hitler was able to rise to power