Powerpoint?? or google slides?
Homeowners who feel (powerless) might show (boldness in attempt to intimidate) at an approaching wildfire because the house belongs to them, and they want to do whatever it takes to stop the fire from destroying it.
If you remove parentheses your sentence should be alright. If it lacks logical ending/meaning then You have put the parentheses in wrong place.
Publicity is changing along the way, now the conciousness in the industry is preparing a future with more quality, we have seen the power of advertising and now is been used to touch more sensible fibers inside the public, organizations and fundations now are working together to post ¨issues¨ that really mather.
Human brain takes information every second of what we see, this is the way of the publicity to get thru the people, it engage you with some image, phrase, sound, smell or even taste and if you are susceptible to it, you will develop more toughs about it until you proced to take some action (like buying some item, stoping doing something, donate money, etc).
A big example is the ban of the ¨straw¨, pages, blogs, news papers, new channels start to talk about it, showing the repercusions and sudenly we all now hate the use of the straw, you see big Companys like Starbucks getting ride of the Straw, they ¨needed¨ to change in order of not loosing clients.
Because the people got so into it that it was like a contagious movement, one after another start to split information everyday in diferent ways that much people reacted to it.
A man or woman. A baby crawls on all fours, then walks on two legs when an adult, then when they are old they use two legs and a cane.