An increase in population of western cities and the midwest
To protect individual rights, the Anti-Federalists wanted to add a bill of rights to the Constitution.
While Federalists supported the Constitution,<u> Anti-Federalists were against the ratification of the Constitution since they believed that this document gave too much power to the central government</u>, which posed a risk to the individual liberty. In order to protect the individual rights, Anti-Federalists wanted to add a Bill of Rights to the Constitution, even though Federalists did not think that this was necessary. However, <u>the Bill of Rights, which was inspired by the Virginia Declaration of Rights, was finally approved in Congress in 1789</u>.
The famous Richard Kipling´s phrase is usually interpreted as a statement of the alleged mission of Europeans to bring civilization and progress to backward peoples. It is seen as a racist justification of colonization of other peoples by many critics, as a statement of white man´s superiority. The other phrase refers to the exploitation and injustice suffered by colonized people in Africa and Asia in the hands of their white colonial masters.
The Columbian Exchange introduced exotic crops like corn ,white potatoes, sweet potatoes ,beans,tomatoes, peanuts and blueberries to Europe. Non-native grains like wheat,barley and rice became commonplace on American soil and increased the variety of crops that could be stored through the winter.