To amend the Constitution, it has to be voted on by both houses of Congress by a two-third majority and If approved, it becomes a formal proposal, and is sent to the state legislatures to be ratified. The Constitution can also be informally changed because the way it's interpreted may change over time.
(Sorry if I'm wrong)
Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine was first set out in a speech by President James Monroe on December 2, 1823. The ideas are grounded in much earlier thinking, such as the "Farewell Address" of George Washington, in which he inveyed against close political association with European states, and in the first inaugural address of Thomas Jefferson.
The oracle bones sometimes have important names and dates from the early Chinese cultures
conserving resources and preventing pollution.
The careful, wise and acceptable way of using resources is by conserving resources and prevention of pollution.
Since resources are finite and bound to finish, we must learn to judiciously use them and avoid polluting them in order for them to serve us better for a longer time.
So we conserve them in order to avoid wastage and to avoid pollution.