Society began to crumble and people abandoned their homes and moved east
The first armed resistance in the ghetto occurred in January 1943. On 19 April 1943, Passover eve, the Germans entered the ghetto. The remaining Jews knew that the Germans would murder them and they decided to resist to the last.
Russia, United States, United Kindom, Poland and France
1. Which statement best describes how to determine if a source is reliable?
d) Determine whether the author is credible, unbiased, and supported by evidence.
2. Reagan’s vow to reduce government spending was particularly damaging to social programs. In spite of this, the president did make some concessions. To which of the following social programs did the Reagan administration increase spending?
b) The Department of Veterans Affairs
3. What was the impact of Reagan’s firing the air traffic controllers?
c) Labor unions deteriorated as employers fired striking workers and replaced them.
4. Which of the following was a change in economic policy resulting from the election of Ronald Reagan?
c) People making more than a certain amount received tax cuts
In 1992, presidential candidate H. Ross Perot said that signing the NAFTA agreement would produce a "giant sucking sound" in the United States. He meant that NAFTA would make jobs in the United States go to Mexico, where laboral costs were lower, thus producing unemployment and poverty in the United States. In view of the events, 17 years later we can affirm that the fears of H. Ross Perot were never confirmed.