Answer: Equal Pay Act
The Equal Pay Act was signed into law by President Kennedy in 1963 in response to a wage gap between men and women that had began to escalate out of control.
In 1960 it was estimated that women working the same jobs as men earned less than two-thirds of what their male counterparts earned and pressure from various organizations finally enabled the Act to pass through Congress.
While it is illegal to pay women less than men for similar jobs, the trend continued but has seen massive improvements as a result of the Act and will continue to.
Answer: in relation to medieval society and psychology, renaissance constitutes counter-movement. So, if Middle Ages are introverted, Renaissance is extraverted. If Middle Ages are theocentric, Renaissance is anthropocentric. If Middle Ages are totally European (with an exception of Crusades), Renaissance transcends Europe and becames more cosmopolitan. The same is true in science. Renaissance science is extraverted is looking for God not in heavens but in the nature ! It is able to experiment and think outside the box.
Explanation: Renaissance is a revolutionary time in all respects.
1.)The Spanish Inquisition lasted from 1478 to 1834
2.)The Spanish Inquisition was headed by the Roman Catholic Church
3.)Spain was multiracial and multi-religious when the Spanish Inquisition began
4.) Once married, Ferdinand II and Isabella I furthered the Spanish Inquisition
5.)The Spanish Inquisition was extremely violent and discriminatory
6.)The Spanish Inquisition saw the creation of autos-da-fé
7.)A grand inquisitor acted as the head of the Spanish Inquisition
8.)Hundreds of thousands of Jewish and Muslim people were expelled from Spain during the Inquisition
9.)The Spanish Inquisition eventually turned on the Roman Catholics
10.)The Spanish Inquisition was finally suppressed in the 19th century
<span>The recall is based on Gill's permissive attitude towards gambling and prostitution. </span>
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