They have lost some of there family and they had died because of gaz.
Yoshiaki asked for protection(after the fall of Askiaga shogunate) from the Mori clan in western Japan which created a treat towards the rest of Japan.
This is true!
When the goverment officials are appointed, they need to have a strategical knowledge!
Equiano was a boy who was made a slave at a young age. he became older he was able to gained his freedom by raising the same amount of money that was used to buy him. when he finally gained his freedom he wrote his own autobiography. this auto bio explained all his troubles of being taken from africa and sold then about his lie as a slave. after have written this auto bio he became part of the movement to abolish slavery.
He believed in making a new "perfect aryan race". Jews didn't fit that description, so he decided to kill them. He killed anybody really, but Jews were his main target as he was very anti-Semitic and blamed them for basically all of the worlds problems.