Im sorry im not good at history. ....but I feel bad dor yiu so id be morr yhan happy to help you with just about any other subject you need help help hou if I could
Firstly, Malcolm X was inspired to read by his envy towards Bimbi’s stock of knowledge.
A. formal meeting of delegates and representatives
The Mississippi is important to American because of how long it is. It starts in Minnesota and drains into the gulf of Mexico. Many people have built their homes along and near the "Mighty Mississippi" because you can transport goods down it via boat to many states, you can use it to farm and get water to dry locations and grow many crops. It's used for hydroelectric power for large cities, it drains off flood water to prevent flooding in the Midwest. It was very important during the civil war and many boats battled for control of it. And it's a lot cheaper and faster to transport on the river than on the road, it has many dams that help local economies and create job opportunities for locals.
The two countries which were created in the peace agreement after World War I were a)Turkey and Poland. The Ottoman Empire which existed before World War I was dissolved and much of the land which was part of it became countries in southwest Asia and the Middle East, but the biggest country to come out of it which was part of Europe was Turkey. Poland was part of a commonwealth before it became it's own sovereign state, beforehand it was partitioned into Germany, Russia and Austria.