he doesn't work on Sundays
I think the most helpful way to create a more formal and professional tone is to eliminate the informal language.
The paragraph has phrases like "<em>off the hook</em>", or homeless "<em>peeps</em>" that are not accurate for a formal request. If those words or phrases are changed for more formal ones, the whole request will sound more serious and important.
Boxer tries to achieve the realization of their goals. When the farm needs more work from its animals, Boxer exceeds the already high expectations placed upon his work output. When the farm needs him to sacrifice, he willingly does so. Boxer is only trying to achieve what others want from him.
This final chapter depicts the complete transformation (not only in name) from Animal Farm to Manor Farm. There will never be a "retirement home" for old animals (as evidenced by Clover), and the pigs come to resemble their human oppressors to the degree that "it was impossible to say which was which."
The completion of the second windmill marks not the rebirth of Snowball's utopian vision, but a further linking of the animals and humans: Used not for a dynamo but instead for milling corn (and thus making money), the windmill's symbolic meaning has (like everything else) been reversed and corrupted. Animal Farm is now inexorably tied to its human neighbors in terms of commerce and atmosphere.