1) Execute Shell Script Using File Name. Use the shell script file name to execute it either by using it's relative path or absolute path as shown below
2) Execute Shell Script Using Source Command.
Update it so it wont do that
The solution code is written in Python:
- mystery_string = "Programming"
- output = ""
- for x in mystery_string:
- output += x
- print(output)
Firstly, create a variable mystery_string to hold a random string (Line 1).
Create an output variable to hold an output string (Line 2).
Create a for-loop to traverse the mystery_string character by character (Line 4). In the iteration, get a character from the mystery_string, and concatenate it with output string (Line 5). Print the output string (Line 6) before proceed to the next iteration.
Hello astropiggy!
Feel free to ask any question!
I’ll try my best to answer them!