Students leave university for all kinds of reasons. In some cases, it’s a personal choice, and in other cases, people simply feel as though they have no choice due to their circumstances. Here are the most common reasons why the college dropout rate is so high.
1. Financial Reasons
Students are too often dropping out of college for financial reasons.
In many cases, students cannot afford to support themselves through school without working, and part-time hours is often not enough to cover the cost of school and living. Students often find college to be too expensive, and have other expenses and priorities such as families to support. Even with student loans, going to college can cause financial stress, making students feel as though they are better off dropping out of college to save money.
2. Other Common Reasons
While financial issues are probably the most common reason for dropping out of college, every student has their own reasons.
Some unfortunately have family issues, a lack of support, or unexpected medical problems that are beyond their control.
Other students find school to be too stressful and are not sufficiently prepared.
In some cases, students are unhappy with their path of choice and are bored with the coursework, finding their studies to be a waste of time.
Many students get frustrated with their studies and convince themselves that they don’t need a degree, and in turn, will end up dropping out before completing their studies.
I believe the answer is: "UNION The thesis statement is the sentence in the introduction that states the author's specific ideas about
the topic"
Hope this helps!
A theme in "The Man Who Would Be King" is the comparison between the imperialism of the British Empire and the motives/exploits of Dravot and Carnehan. The narrator, thus, serves as an intermediary between the world familiar to Victorian British and the setting of Carnehan and Dravot’s adventure.
An improper grammer sentence.
Tim's tempting tongue twister truly tangled my tongue