Solve the Spanish question on the image attached and pls explain!
2 answers:
Basically it is saying what are Bolivia's capitals. But the special part is that Bolivia has 2 capitals. So, using knowledge of Bolivia you can answer the question.
Bolivia's capitals:
- Sucre
- La Paz
Sucre and La paz. The original one is sucre but la paz is another one. Bolivia is mainly known for Sucre being the capital. - Sucre y la paz son las capitales de Bolivia. La capital original es Sucre y todos dicen que es solo Sucre.
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no gracias(: :] jjajajjajjajajjaj
this means I can speak Spanish, my cousin who was born in Mexico but lives in North Carolina helps me learn while working on my Spanish II homework.
Should be manejo if you need a word with an ending suitable for yo
Yo: oigo tu: oyes el, ella: oye nosotros: oímos ellos: oyen