The story is set in Scandinavia in the 6th century. Beowulf, a hero of the Geats, comes to the aid of Hrothgar, the king of the Danes, whose mead hall in Heorot has been under attack by a monster known as Grendel.
Answer: Can Someone Please Help Me. (Need Help ASAPP).I need to write a page about Piggy in ( Lord of the Flies) and explain how Piggy created or influences one of the themes in the novel. ( Include at least three body paragraphs. Contain a clear, concise, arguable thesis statement that offers insight into the characterization of Piggy. Use transition words and phrases to create coherence. Use direct quotations cited correctly. Include a conclusion paragraph that restates the thesis statement in different wording. Effectively use paragraphing to indicate a change in subject. Give specific textual evidence to support your thesis statement. Use correct capitalization, usage, punctuation, and spelling. Use words, phrases, or clauses for a specific pattern of organization.
Sample response: The general lesson from the reading is that inventing a useful product takes time and perseverance. You have to experiment, fail, and retry your ideas until you succeed.
Irony is an important element in the work of Sophocles. The plot of the tragedy takes shape in the way Oedipus is in the seek for salvation of the plague. He is determined to find the man responsible, however, ironically it is himself the one who caused it. Eyes are to allow us to see, but in the case of Oedipus it is also ironic that he has his sight in good condition, although he is unable and refuses to see the real truth. A third example of irony would be that Thiresias, a blind prophet, has the capacity to contemplate and see the actual origin of the suffering of Thebes, in spite of his physical inability.
Did you have a typo? because half of these arent real words....