Some conditions that could create hurricanes are low air pressure as well as tropical air/water temperatures. Conditions that create tornadoes are very fast winds as well as a mix of cold and hot temperatures. When there is instability in the lower atmosphere of earth during rather strong storms, a tornado can form. These storms can destroy homes, cause flooding, and become catastrophic depending on how strong they are. Tornadoes destroy everything in their path while it’s usually the eye of the hurricane that does the most damage.
- They originate over warmer waters and hence form close to the equator, where ocean and air temperatures tend to be highest. In fact, for these storms to form at all, the water temperature must be 80 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer throughout the first 50 meters below the surface.
- Effects of tornadoes on the environment are devastating, from destroying properties, wildlife, plants, and at times taking people lives. Tornadoes cover fairly smaller areas when compared to other severe winter storms or hurricane, but its damage is normally more ruthless causing harm to property, nature, and deaths.
almost all the countries depend on agricultural and production of crops for their development. they have achieved alots of benefits which couldn't be discribed but due to competition among the countries for development . resources are being exploited haphazardly without focusing in the conservation of natural vegetation.