I can give you pointers.
In : Early Islam in Central Asia
Your answer should include information about Islam spreading to Central Asia through the Silk Road.
Your answer should include details about how the Russian czars allowed Islam to continue in order to better control the population.
Your answer should include mention of how Islam in Central Asia was less strict; for example, it allowed women to work and permitted the consumption of alcohol.
In: Islam During the Soviet Period
Your answer should include mention of the Islamic faith being restricted during Soviet reign because the Soviet ideology rejected organized religion.
Your response could include details about how Soviet officials closed many Islamic mosques and imprisoned many who practiced any religion.
in : Islam in Central Asia Today
Your response should include details about how Islamic practices in the region are permitted more under post-Soviet governments.
However, your response should also include discussion of how the region’s modern governments still limit and hinder the practice of Islam.
Your answer could include details about how radical Islamic groups are moving into the region and are beginning to influence the politics and societies of Central Asia.
The bataan death march is considered a war crime, because the prisoners were mistreated, they were not treated as humans, etc
hope this helps