The answer is romance language also known as latin language. These are modern languages evolve from Vulgar Latin in the 6th to 9th century and form a branch of Italic language within Indo-European family. Around 800 million in Europe, Africa and Americas do speak this language.
At Home: Write three simple sentences. Draw a slash to divide each sentence into complete subject and complete predicate. McGraw-Hill Language Arts Grade 6, Unit 1, Sentences pages 14–15 7 Name Date Reteach 7 • Every sentence has a subject and a predicate. • The complete subject is all words that tell whom or what the sentence …
I think that it would be protection. If he wears a helmet and watches out for traffic, there is a lower risk of him being run over or hurting himself badly when he falls of his bike. If he is mindful of pedestrians and uses hand signals, there is less of a chance that he will hit a pedestrian which could result in one or both of them getting hurt.
Leaf- leaves
Child- children
Machinery- machineries
Potato - potatoes
Juicel- juicels