Si esto es muy importnate porque le da experiencia a los estudiantes y aprenden a no tener miedo cunado estan en un discurse con muchas personas. Esto tambien ayuda a dar confianza a los estudeinates.
the question asks if its important for studnts to learn to give presentations in front of many people and I answered yes and gave an explanation why.
I take Spanish as well and i hate to tell you the but the correct way to say "I prefer milk" in Spanish is( prefiero la leche) u are listing the correct ways to say (She runs to maintain health) look them up if u dont believe me type in on google (Ella correr para mantener la salud in English). Hope this helps
I don’t understand the question
Me gusta libros de ficción. Libros de ficción tienen trama, escenario, personaje, conflicto, símbolo, punto de vista y tema. Unos libros son ________.
(name some fictional (non true) books that you’ve read just Incase your teacher asks you why you like those books)