The speaker describes the juggler as one who did incredible things, as a man who got tired and one who won the world's weight (last line of the last stanza).
The description reveals that the speaker was among those who applauded the juggler.
From the poem, we discover that juggler was seen as one who performed incredible things. Some of the things the poem stated that he did was the table turning on his toes, the broom balancing on his nose and the plate whirls at the tip of the broom.
We also discover that the juggler got tired as some point and the things he carried began to drop. At the end of the juggler's display, the speaker was among those who applauded him: "For him we batter our hands" (Line 29).
Answer: the idea that African American people are inferior based on perceptions from an earlier time.
A fallacy is defined as "a mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound argument". In this case, the fallacy that would help develop a counterclaim to this case is the idea that African American people are inferior based on perceptions from an earlier time
Parents are responsible for their children's physical health.
In that speech delivered at the PHA Building a Healthier Future Summit, Michelle Obama states that it's the parents responsibility to ensure their children are healthy.
The parents are the ones to chose what their children eat, by doing the grocery shopping and preparing the meals... so they have to make sure their children eat healthy food.
It's also the parents who enroll and pay for the children's extra sport activities in organizations and in organized sports, as part of a global plan to ensure their health.