1. The strongest evidence comes from the statement: "<span>In 2005, Dr. T. Colin Campbell published the results of a 20-year study, which found that people who ate the most plant-based foods were the healthiest, and that people who ate the most animal-based foods developed the highest rates of diseases."
This statement includes the research of a 20 year study.
2. The strongest evidence comes from the statement: "</span><span>Between 1982 and 1997, however, the industrialization of meat production caused the price of meat to drop. As a result, consumers started buying and eating more meat."
This statement shows that more people could eat meat and buy meat when it became more affordable due to industrialization.
3. </span>The strongest evidence comes from the statement: <span>"Debate Over Diet"
The term "debate" shows that there is more than one view about whether vegetarianism is the best way to eat of if there might be another better way.
4. </span>The strongest evidence comes from the statement: "<span>The author argues strongly in favor of a vegetarian diet for all Americans." </span> The author presents reasons for changes in diet over time in America and shows that meat-eating has become more prevalent due to social factors like price and availability. The author argues that, in fact, there is great evidence to show that a plant-based diet is actually better and healthier.