''My childhood was marked by a belief in many abstract absolutes that I am only now allowing to crumble''
''In kindergarten I wrote about thirty books. They were each
about five pages long, with one sentence and a picture on each
page. They were held together with three staples on the left side or
top and had construction paper covers with the book’s title and the
phrase “By Emily Vallowe” written out in neat kindergarten-teacher
handwriting. My mom still has all of these books in a box at the
bottom of her closet.''
Emily is explaining to readers why is she thinking like that and why does she have that opinion and point of view. Her obsession started when she was a young girl. In the paragraph she is talking about the identity, is she identity wrong or good.
- ''I have wanted to be a writer my entire life -- or at least that’s what I tell people. Looking back, I don’t know if I ever wanted to be a writer. ''
She had that wrong identity because she was marked by the teacher and her mother like a writer.