Answer: In Beowulf, Hrothgar is characterized as being old and weak, although he was once a noble and mighty ruler.
Explanation: This is because he has lived his life in the greatest manner he could
The battle had taken place at the battle hall as Grendel’s
mother took Beowulf there in which is owned by someone and that Grendel’s
mother inadvertently give Beowulf the advantage because the water that is
present in the battle hall didn’t hurt Beowulf.
Answer:Let the small pices pandan leaves be cut and washed.
Explanation:I don't say u must have to mark my ans as brainliest but if it has really helped u plz don't forget to thnk me...
There's another question that's the exact same with people answering :)
The "it" Mr. White doesn't want in his home is his dead son, Herbert. Mr. White also tells his wife that when Herbert died, his body was so mangled that he was only able to know it was his son because of his clothing, so it's likely the corpse may not have even been fully intact.