1. Le.
2. Me.
3. Me.
4. Me.
5. Confesarle.
6. Se.
7. Lo.
8. Lo.
9. Lo.
10. Ayudarme.
11. Arreglarle.
12. Se.
13. Lo.
14. Recogerlo.
In this exercise you have to complete the blanks with some missing pronouns like le, me lo, se.
In Spanish (generally) the pronoun is attached to the verb as in the following cases:
5. José ¡Vaya! Debo (5) confesarle que nunca había visto un aparato así, es muy moderno.
In English is different:
5. Jose Wow! I must confess that I had never seen such an apparatus. It is very modern.
As you can see verbs behave differently in both languages. Some verbs behave in the same way in both languages but some other don't.
10. ¿Cree que puede (10) ayudarme?
10. Do you think you can help me?
As you can see in sentence 10 verb "help" and the pronoun "me" are separated. However, in Spanish they need to be together.
Something similar happens with sentences 11 and 14:
11. Sí, haré lo posible por (11) arreglarle su estéreo.
11. Yes, I will do my best to fix your stereo.
14. Puede (14) recogerlo después de las cinco.
14. You can pick it up after five.