I did the same topic. This is for flvs ela correct?
I am still doing the class so i can not give to much of my info away because they would know. Hmm. Okay, I can give you a s ite that will help you because it helped me. But pl z dont re port me for putting a si te, I am just trying to help.
I gave you the site to where you can pick your own we bsi te for it. The website I used is the top one.
ht tps://ww w.go ogle.c om/se arch?q=sho uld+teens+be+allowed+t o+play+dangerous+sports&rlz=1CAXWWL_enUS954&oq=should+teens+be+allowed+&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57j0j0 i390l 4j69i61.13835j0j7&sourc eid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&safe=active&ssui=on
p lz dont re.po.rt me and can I have brainliest plz. I need 1 more. oh and for the lin ks, just take away the spaces.
The error in sentence is Misplaced Modifier.
The correct sentence will be Although Shelby was very tired , she finished her project on time.
There are different parts of sentence in which grammatical mistakes can be done. They are:
Subordination: These express relationships clearly and the emphasis is carried out properly.They are used to describe time, purpose, cause and condition. Hence they make use of words like after, before, whenever,because, since, as, that, so that, in order that, if, even though, unless.
Parallelism: To demonstrate a similar level of importance, consistent word patterns and endings are used.
Misplaced Modifier: A modifier is placed somewhere in a sentence where the intended meaning is messed up.
Dangling modifier: it changes the meaning of sentence and cannot be identified.
The audio shows that the characters are in a very messy kitchen, which would help in representing a scenario for this scene.
The setting is the place where a scene takes place. In the case of the scene presented above, we could promote a representation of the scenario through the speeches of the characters present in the scene. In the sheriff's speech we can see that he is in the kitchen of a house, because he says that the environment where he is only has "kitchen things." In addition, we can see that the kitchen is completely messed up, when the County attorney says "here's a nice mess".
"Trifles" is a play presented in a single act, which presents the investigation into the murder of John Wright. The investigation takes place at John's own home, since his wife is the prime suspect.
All except copied pages.
The rest are things that you need to write down as you do your research: document the source title, the author, the web address, and also any important points that you might find.
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