These are some examples of famous inventions that really improved our quality of life. Hope you find them useful!
1. Light bulbs This invention allows us to see and work in the dark. Long ago before lights are invented, we cannot do much during night time, even if you light up a candle, it won't last long and they may catch other things on fire. Light bulbs can be used for a long time, and they're a lot safer and there's a lot more we can do in our lives in nighttime nowadays. Even though yes LEDs are taking over, but before LED is invented, light bulbs are certainly important.
2. Steam Trains This improves the transportation. Before steam trains are invented, people usually travel either by walking or they ride animals such as horses. Steam trains can give us a fast way to go to another location.
3. Radio Radio gives us a simple and fast way to send messages and spread information to far locations. This is very useful especially back then, where people can spread information during wars or other emergency situations. We can contact others faster.
Shelley's <em>Frankenstein </em>is important because of the ethical dimensions of technology and its irony between science and creationism. Society feared technology back then and Shelley wrote an ironic story about a scientist who uses technology to build a terrorizing monster. The correct answer is obviously D.
Jains believe that animals and plants, as well as human beings, contain living souls. Each of these souls is considered of equal value and should be treated with respect and compassion. Jains are strict vegetarians and live in a way that minimises their use of the world's resources.