ocean liner were the primary mode of intercontinental travel fot over a century from the mid-19th century until they began to be supplanted by air liner in 1950's
First off, Are you taking AP GOV right now.
There are 2 types of systems, Entitlement and Means Tested.
Means Tested is you have to meet a certain criteria and have a special need for the credit ( either money or food stamps ).
Examples include Medicaid and Food Stamps.
Hope this helps!
The causes of the rioting ran deep. It was sparked by long-standing anger about policy brutality and also by a sense of hopelessness about unemployment, poverty, bad schools, low rates of home ownership and poor social services, according to city officials and neighborhood leaders.
no he wasnt
Sure he removes the Royalty and all, but he never manages to do better in the ruling. He was power crazy, he kill those who disagree with him and use people to maintain his power, and all his promise for prosperity never achieved in his lives. Heck, he actually loses his first election and calls it void. He was a tyrannical ruler that are only slightly better than the old royalty, and better than Stalin who came after him.
He is not exactly the best example of a hero is. He is more of an idealist, and not cut out as a ruler, and he should never have come into power. Maybe as revolutioner, he is good and all but the person who should come into power should have been someone else.