the high frequency
Kevin Breel uses the hyperbole "a million times" in his presentation to emphasize the high frequency (that he had sat on the edge of his bed....and he was suicidal..... so it takes too long for him to take the act in fact).
Julius Caesar - A great Roman general and senator, recently returned to Rome in triumph after a successful military campaign. While his good friend Brutus worries that Caesar may aspire to dictatorship over the Roman republic, Caesar seems to show no such inclination, declining the crown several times. Yet while Caesar may not be unduly power-hungry, he does possess his share of flaws. He is unable to separate his public life from his private life, and, seduced by the populace’s increasing idealization and idolization of his image, he ignores ill omens and threats against his life, believing himself as eternal as the North Star.
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Honestly I’m not sure I think it’s A
The morning was cold with a bold statement
the morning dew was wet and set in the ground
you could taste the spring paste fill the air
it made you feel real, refreshed and lively
should you go out and play? i would
young girls and boys grab their toys and play
Boys playin' in the dirt while girls play with their pearls the mom would tap her foot say "nap time kids"
The kids always enjoy their snack pack
the spring melted away the snow and felt like mush
the grass was as brass as a trumpet but was slowing turing the three trees in the front were a rusty brown