Robots are often portrayed in media to be evil and want to end all of humanity. That is not the case. That scenario is more fiction than true, and even then, robots have assisted humanity in things we never could have done without them. Robots assist us with dangerous tasks such as welding metals, which can easily cause injuries to humans. Robots can also go into areas that humans cannot easily go to, such as space. Along with that, humans now have assistance with doing every day tasks with robots, such as helping them walk around and help them move their body. Despite all that the media and science fiction says about robots, they assist us in many ways, and we wouldn't be where we are today without them.
Pneumonia - respiratory system (affects the lungs)
Endometriosis - reproductive system (affects the uterine lining)
Fibromyalgia - muscular system (affects muscles, tendons and ligaments)
Dermatitis - integumentary system (affects the skin)
The correct answer is A. When the subject of a sentence is singular, add "_s" to the base form.
An easy example is "to exist", the base form is "exist" and A strawberry exists shows that you add s when a singular subject is used.
B. True
Explanation: beautiful is an adjective