In the opening Prologue of Romeo and Juliet, the Chorus refers to the title characters as “star-crossed lovers,” an allusion to the belief that stars and planets have the power to control events on Earth. This line leads many readers to believe that Romeo and Juliet are inescapably destined to fall in love and equally destined to have that love destroyed. However, though Shakespeare’s play raises the possibility that some impersonal, supernatural force shapes Romeo and Juliet’s lives, by the end of the play it becomes clear that the characters bear more of the responsibility than Fortune does.
This line leads many readers to believe that Romeo and Juliet are inescapably destined to fall in love and equally destined to have that love destroyed. This is the main part of the story.
The answer is A. Because a chart showing brain size of various animals tells the intelligence of each animal and also compares them.
The three communication bits of advice I would give Sara to improve her communication with her boss are:
1.- Start with a context phrase about climate, journey, day.
2.- Always talk with a soft voice and nod
3.- Board the topics with proactive approaches.
the reasons behind these bits of advice are that in the first place to start a conversation we can ask about the environment, the journey the person had to reach its current location, or the day he or she has had. This is a very natural way to establish trust. Second, talking with a soft voice and nodding allows the listener to receive a positive response to his or her comments. Third, being proactive and always trying to build from all perspective will allow the participants to have a comfortable vibe that will allow them to share their thoughts because they are being understood,
the answer is B Germany's leaders cannot be trusted